What does the ENTERPRISE plan include?

The ENTERPRISE plan includes:

  • 5,000 Dynamic QR Codes: create up to 5,000 Dynamic QR Codes and update or change their type of content as many times as you want without having to reprint them.
  • Unlimited scans *
  • Advanced analytics: view the statistics of your QR Codes (unique scans, scans, daily analytics, countries and cities, audience, operating systems and mobile devices), connect them to a Google Analytics account, and download statistical reports as PDF and XLS files.
  • Advanced QR Code design: customize your QR Codes by adding logos and choosing the color and shape of their bodies and position patterns (the 3 big squares).
  • Download and share: download your QR Codes as PNG (best for digital platforms) or PDF, SVG and EPS (best for printing) image files, and share their content online using their short URL.
  • Page design: customize the pages of your QR Codes by adding background images and choosing the color of their texts and buttons.
  • Custom templates: create QR Code and page design templates and apply them to multiple QR Codes.
  • Bulk QR creation: create multiple QR Codes at once.
  • Batch actions: apply different actions to multiple QR Codes.
  • Projects and tags: create projects to organize your QR Codes and add tags to filter them within a project.
  • White-label URL masking: mask the domain of your QR Codes' short URL (uqr.to/...) with your subdomain (qrs.my-domain.com/...).
  • Editable short URL: edit the last part of your QR Codes' short URL (uqr.to/THIS-PART).
  • User management: create and assign users to projects so that they can create and manage QR Codes within them.
  • SSO (Single Sign-On): add an extra layer of security to your account providing unique credentials to team members.
  • API access: create QR Codes outside our platform via coding.
  • Chat, email and video call support

* Contact us via chat or email for the number of scans available per minute.

Contact us via chat or email for pricing information.